
Showing posts from May, 2019


Typical characteristics of profession Dr G. Millenson (1964) sets down criteria of profession: 1. A profession as a sense of public services – a lifetime commitment to career; 2. A defined body of knowledge and skills beyond that non possessed by a layman (the mastery of the subject matter) 3. A lengthen period of specialized training of education; 4. A control over licensing or entry requirement; 5. Autonomy in making decision about selecting affairs of work; 6. Self governing organization, compound of members of profession ( to foresee the rights of members are not violated); 7. A code of ethics to help clarify ambiguous matters related to the services rendered; 8. A high prestige and economic standing; 9. Professional association earn elite groups in providing recognition for individual achievement; and 10. Every profession must have mobil…


What qualifies teacher to be a professional?   Common qualities given by Carr (2000): 1. Professionals are a product of theoretical and practical grounded experience. Mastery of knowledge, skills, attitudes are vital for Are services driven. The presence of clients for professional services, the justification why they exist. 3. Professionals have stable codes of ethics. Code of ethics is a predictor of strength of a profession. 4. Procedures for regulation and organization. This is a regulatory framework to foster professional ineptitude. 5. Professional autonomy. 6. Body of profession   Teaching is said to be ethical in its nature; and the following are common arguments in supporting : 1. Teaching occupation stands to be evaluated as professionally good or bad with reference to the standards of instrumental efficiency of effectiveness. Moral debate and virtues associated with teachers job ie respect, inclusion Vs exclusion etc. 2. Teachers work on behalf of parents, 3...


Several theories that concerning ethics include: 1. Kantian theory, 2. Utilitarianism theory 3. Platonic theory 4. The theory of mean                                   1. KANTIAN THEORY . A founder of this theory is Emmanuel Kant (1724 – 1804) who believed in actions. People actions should be careful executed.   Kant’s theory is an example of a   deontological moral theory   according to these theories,   the rightness or wrongness of actions does not focus on their outcomes or results but on whether they fulfill our duty.   2.UTILITARIANISM THEORY.   The theory was first developed by Jeremy Bentham (1748 – 1832) and later on by John Stuart Mill (1806 – 1873) . The concentration was not on the action, but rather the results of action. It is not only about action itself but also the results of that action: benefits or harms. If ...


There are two (2) approaches in studying morality:  1.Scientific Approach 2.Philosphical Approach   1. Scientific/empirical approach Scientific approach is an approach in the study of ethics used by people in social science like in education in studying human behaviors and conducts. This approach emphasizes on empiricism. What makes it empirical science is because of the methods used: observation, analysis, and conclusion. To make a judgment about behaviors of a particular person, one has to follow these scientific procedures. He/she has to collect data by observing the subject, making analysis of the data, and then finally they make a conclusive remark. 2. Philosophical approach e.g Philosophical approach is an approach which uses logical reasoning for argumentation. E.g a. Tall people are genius, b. Johnson is a tall person, c. So, Johnson is a genius person. Note: in philosophical approach, norms and standards are applied too. Three ideas on philosophical approach: 1. ...